Megan Tribble Megan Tribble

How to Make a Custom Supplement Formulation

At Factory6 we support creative minds who prefer a private-label formulation. Though there are many facets that go into supplement conception, our team makes it easy for you to accomplish a completely custom formula, which offers people something only you carry.

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Megan Tribble Megan Tribble

3 Reasons Why Beverage Powders Are Better

With so many products on the shelves like energy drinks, protein shakes, probiotic sodas, and green smoothies, you might not realize beverage powders could be a better option.

In this article we'll look at two different options on the market for these types of drinks: Powder form, which is incorporated into your favorite drink and pre-made drinks that you simply pop open. Check out 3 reasons we encourage consumers to scoop and mix their own and sellers to consider providing powders for their customers.

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Megan Tribble Megan Tribble

The Future Of Sleep

We live in a rapid society where people are under more stress, working harder and have a serious case of “FOMO”. Too much of it can be exhausting mentally and physically, which is more detrimental to our health than we realize. 

What’s one of the top activities we are truly missing out on? Sleep. We all know it’s important, yet it typically falls near the bottom of our list. Let’s evaluate why change is necessary and how supplements can help. 

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